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Author: Wayne Morgan

Born Baltimore, Md USA 1953 BS Biology 1979 Conversion to Christianity 1975 Serving with ECM as a missionary to Uganda
Natural Creationism

Natural Creationism

It may seem like just a word, but “creationism” is something that sparks anger in many in science. The reaction is often to belittle, mock, deride, etc. That’s odd since everyone is in some form or fashion a, “creationist”. You may believe in a real Creator, or a fictional one like “evolution”, but everyone has some concept of how living creatures came to be. If your faith is in “science”, you will likely trust their creation stories. Much of what…

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Faith in Deep Time

Faith in Deep Time

As I said before, Lyell thought that the earth was very old. I think he suggested a possible age in excess of 100,000 years. That was useful for people like Darwin and Huxley who needed more time then the Bible seemed to give for their natural creation mythology to work. That was until genetics got involved in dispelling the “combined trait” fallacy. Genetic traits don’t tend to combine to produce new traits. They work more in a either-or fashion. But…

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Fame and Success is no Substitute for Love

Fame and Success is no Substitute for Love

We as human beings have always had a need to be loved. “Loved” for some means a “fan club” which generally comes from “fame” and some sort of “admiration”. This may come from achievement in sports or success as an actor or politician. This sort of “love” is often short lived. Some folks who are “fans” of a sports figure may be equally fond of hot dogs. This kind of “love” tends to be disappointing in the long run. Science…

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